LOL: The two Promises of Riot who could bring the best times of League of Legends back

Messed up King: A League of Legends Story is a royal excursion computer game modified by Riot Games as well as created by Airship Distribute, situated in the world of League of Legends. It appeared in November 2021 on Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and also Xbox One.

The great criticisms of the community of League of Legends at last have been heard. Riot Games has promised the community to carry out two great research on the state of the game to analyze two of the most controversial aspects of the last seasons. Thus, the developer will analyze both the possible excess of damage in the game and the current system of cure with the intention of carrying out the necessary changes, yes, they consider them.

The two most expected changes by the League of Legends community

Riot Games has wanted to be very prudent and ensure that there is no commitment that adjustments are finally carried out in the game. However, has ensured that it has already been launched to analyze these two situations. An investigation still at a very early stage that at the moment seems to give the reason to the community, since the developer ensures that at this moment the game is not exactly at the point that they would like.

These have been their first conclusions and ideas they have in mind in each area:

Excessive damage : Although they still do not have great conclusions, League of Legends developers think that champions lose life too fast and there are low too often. The first conclusions are that the game could benefit from a reduction of damage, especially in the intermediate minutes. However, they want to achieve this, favoring the champions with less life and without forcing a tank methane.

Riot's Official Response To the Ruination Event Excessive healing : They have already tried to reduce it at last season, and it seems that it is the most likely field of work. However, there are not many details that share beyond that they are not satisfied with the current state. In this sense, changes may be carried out suddenly or spaced in several patches according to the inquiries to which their study on the state of the game.

To be implemented these changes, League of Legends would resemble more than what we saw a few seasons ago. However, it is necessary to be clear that Riot Games promise is to carry out investigations and have not committed them to carry out powerful adjustments. A situation despite which it seems likely that we see any of these measures implanted in the game once you have begun next season 12.


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