Dungeon & Fighter: Official Goods Funding Exceeds Target in 1 Minute!
The goods funding of Dungeon & Fighter (hereinafter referred to as 'Dun pa'), which was held on the 2nd, achieved its target in one minute. These goods are also the first ones that were distributed in the event that users can apply and receive through the event in the Dungeon & Fighter game last November.
In the past, director Lee Won-man said in an interview that he is aware of the demand and suggestion of Basal Goods, and he is studying whether there is a way to solve through cloud funding methods. As a result, the Basal Goods, which were first distributed through the event, were provided by funding, and People and Nixon said the events were prepared in terms of user audit.
There are four goods distributed by funding. In addition to the Basal Desk mat, an acrylic stand of four characters (Yo-jong, German, Thunder's Eclair, Nine Blow) was prepared.
In addition, it is a snow mug mug that is engraved with the Snow Mage Magic Society 'Law', which was embodied in the game in-game, along with Opener, which was created with the concept of the machine weapon.
This Dun pa Goods will be open as an official store in the global goods store. 'Guru Rang pack', which contains all the products, can be ordered by 5 kinds of goods, including 69,900 won. The existing target amount was achieved in one minute, as mentioned earlier, now, with 643%of Guru and Back Mine, 369%of Basal Raid Desk Mats, 476%of the Baloney Acrylic Stands, 528%for Mug, and 151%for Opener. . The pre-order will be terminated at midnight on the 22nd.
In response to the users' response to the goods, Lee Won-man said, Thank you very much for showing great interest in the products using Dun pa IP. We will work closely to the users' needs and try to introduce them quickly.
For more information, please visit the Dungeon & Fighter official website and the official Guru and Dungeon and Fighter official store.
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