Hawkeye: Forecasting is true - MCU
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The Marvel Series Hawkeye stops a few surprises for fans. We have already speculated in a detailed contribution about which other characters will appear in the Disney + series. A prediction has been preserved in the latest sequence.
Attention: Spoiler alarm! Lest does not read, if you have not seen the fourth episode of Hawkeye yet and do not want to spoil the surprise!
What is predicted?
The fourth episode of Hawkeye has been available today at the streaming service Disney +. It remains two more episodes left, until the first season around the MCU Hero Clint Barton and his apprentice Kate Bishop comes to an end.
This is a pretty short time to allow all forecasts to come true for the series. Fans suspect that two Marvel characters will be visible in the series. All signs suggest that will be seen the sister of Marvel Hero Black Widow and villain kingpin in the Disney + broadcast.
First forecast for Hawkeye is true
For the sister of Black Widow it has been true. Elena Below, also a former Black Widow like her sister, appears in the fourth episode of Hawkeye. It is played as in the Marvel movie Black Widow by Florence Pugh.
Already in the Post-Credit scene from Black Widow was indicated that Elena has a chicken with Clint Barton. In the case Hawkeye it will be more like a hawk.
Elena is responsible for Hawkeye for the death of her sister Natasha Roman off. It was just a matter of time when she gets her appearance in the series.
Interestingly, Clint Elena did not seem to recognize, so we can assume that Natasha has no time between the events of the Marvel films Civil was and endgame details about their family has revealed.
This also means that Hawkeye has no idea why a Black Widow is behind him. Since Elena finally left the fight, it looks like a second round before.
What about Kingpin?
The Gangster boss Wilson Fisk, also called Kingpin, should also get an appearance in the Hawkeye series. Anyway, everything speaks so far.
The villain, who has already played a major role in the Netflix series Daredevil, has a connection with a character from the Disney series. As is known from the Marvel Comics, the anti-heroine ECHO is something like Kingpins's daughter.
Echo's fans of the Hawkeye series have already made acquaintance. Now only the man is missing with the oversized suits. Maybe we'll get him in the last two episodes the show to see until now you have seen the — supposed — Kingpin only in a scene from behind.
You can stream Hawkeye with a Disney + membership. In the next two weeks the last following will be released on Wednesdays.
Do you think we will look for Elena also Kingpin completely? How do you think he will show himself?
From Dina Makovich Author 08.12.2021 at 13:37
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