Epic Games Store: A new form of achievements comes
La Orden imperial de Leopoldo fue una orden de caballería existente en el Imperio austríaco y en su sucesor, el Imperio austrohúngaro, para recompensar méritos civiles y militares.
Coming week keep the new EPIC success in the Epic Games Store entry, but only for a few games.
Since December 6, 2018, there is the Epic Games Store. In two months he already celebrates his third birthday. But there is a great gift in the form of a new feature next week. Then the operator introduces the EPIC successes. These are a new kind of achievements, which will only be available in a small selection of games: in Rocket League, Hades, Pillars of Eternity, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Zombie Army 4: Dead was, Alan Wake Renastered and More , as it means in the corresponding contribution of EPIC. But what exactly means and more in the context, only the responsible ones themselves know. Furthermore, it only means: We are working to provide these tools to further developers. You can expect Epic successes Lands of the year will also appear in your favorite games.
With the new system in the Epic Games Store you do not just get successes, but collects experience points. The achievements are divided into four stages and each introduces you to many EPs. Achievements of the bronze level are worth 5 to 45 points. Silver Achievements provide 50 to 95 EP, for copies of the Gold category there are between 100 and 200 EP and platinum successes are rewarded with 250 experiences.
For each supported game there is a new page with details about the successes. Achievements, in which you are in short, unlock them, are optically highlighted. You can also watch the successes of individual games over the store.
It is not that in the Epic Games Store so far no achievements there. About one year ago, tools for developers were introduced, thanks to which they can create success for their games. With the new system, however, one approaches much closer to the achievements of other platforms. The already existing successes will not disappear as long as the respective manufacturers do not switch to the new system. But you will not be able to lose even then. Should a game be switched to EPIC success, your progress will be transferred and you will automatically receive experience.
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