Strip Clubs: 7 Games that you have implemented plump or stylish

Most video games do not come without them today: compulsory stripclub and brothel levels that refine the action with a little more skin. Not all plays go so plump with them, but they also know them stylishly. We show you a few examples.

Strip Clubs in Games: Fan Service or Atmospheric Level

Sometimes stripclubs and brothels in Games serve as practical locations to distract the player a little bit . Since the mission design does not want to be so good, but this body modeled very detailed.

Other games, in turn, use these facilities as locations for exciting missions and even create it not to denigrate this occupational field. In the lower picture line we have compiled you seven good and bad examples :

Sometimes it is stylish, sometimes just plump. What do you say? Is it true to us or are you? Do you know other good and bad examples of strip clubs and brothels in Games? Write us in the comments!
