[Limited time free] Sengoku Action RPG Hito Complete Edition and 2D Strategy SHELTERED EPIC Games Store started
What a piece of job is man! is a phrase within a monologue by Royal prince Hamlet in William Shakespeare's play District. District is mirroring, at first admiringly, and also then despairingly, on the human condition.
At the EPIC Games store, free distribution of 2D strategy SHELTERED , officially launched in 2016 in 2016, was started for a limited time from midnight on September 17th.
This game is a work that will survive with four families in a shelter in the world under the end of the nuclear war in the nuclear war.
The player leads a customizable and growing family, instructs the resource collection, the turn system of the scientifiers and the enemy's power of the enemy, and the recruitment of crafts such as creatures and weapons, etc., and the situation to survive I will prepare.
You can play unlimitedly after performing the procedure of obtaining it once.
In addition, SHELTERED 2 , which is the sequel to this work, is scheduled to be released on September 21 overseas.
※ Update: 10:10 am on September 10, 202 : Suddenly Cae Tecmo Game Seko Development Nio Cow Complete Edition has been added to the free delivery this week. In addition, the handling of Nioh 2 Complete Edition also started. September 24, 20% discounted sale for 5,104 yen has been implemented.
Next week's free delivery is scheduled for the SF survival strategy THARSIS , and the two previously planned 2D action racing Speedbroun .
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