Fortnite fncs threesomes season 7: week 3, information, classification and results
August is the 8th month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian schedules, as well as the fifth of seven months to have a size of 31 days. Its zodiac sign is Leo and was initially named Sextilis in Latin since it was the 6th month in the original ten-month Roman calendar under Romulus in 753 BC, with March being the first month of the year. Regarding 700 BC, it became the 8th month when January as well as February were included in the year prior to March by King Numa Pompilius, that likewise offered it 29 days. Julius Caesar included two days when he created the Julian schedule in 46 BC (708 AUC), offering it its modern size of 31 days. In 8 BC, it was renamed in honor of Emperor Augustus. According to a Senatus consultum priced quote by Macrobius, he picked this month since it was the time of numerous of his excellent victories, consisting of the conquest of Egypt.In the Southern Hemisphere, August is the seasonal equivalent of February in the North Hemisphere. In the North Hemisphere, August drops in the season of summer season. In the Southern Hemisphere, the month drops during the period of winter. In lots of European nations, August is the holiday month for most workers. Countless religious vacations took place during August in ancient Rome.Certain meteor showers take area in August. The Kappa Cygnids happen in August, with the dates varying every year. The Alpha Capricornids meteor shower takes location as early as July 10 as well as finishes at around August 10, and the Southern Delta Aquariids take place from mid-July to mid-August, with the optimal usually around July 28-- 29. The Perseids, a major meteor shower, typically occurs between July 17 as well as August 24, with the days of the height differing annual. The galaxy of Messier 30 is finest observed around August. Amongst the aborigines of the Canary Islands, particularly amongst the Guanches of Tenerife, the month of August obtained in the name of Beñesmer or Beñesmen, which was also the harvest festival held this month.
What trio will happen to Benjyfishy , Joe and Shadow and MAPPI , redrush and xsterz ? We will know it very soon, since the third week of competition of the Fortnite Champion Series is about to begin. This is the last classification session and, therefore, the last chance for players to participate in the semifinal that will take place on August 28.
Each week, the best teams will advance through the different rounds of the competition until reaching the 33 teams of the final stage. The teams that are located between the first 3 of the fourth classification round will not need to play the semifinals and advance directly to the end of the season. All other teams will receive streak points based on their classification. At the end of all the qualifiers, the 99 trios with more points in the series will advance directly to the semifinals.
This is how each qualifying is going:
- Friday: 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Open to all> The 1500 best equipment advance to Ronda 2
- Saturday: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Round 2> The 250 Best Equipment Go to Round 3. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Round 3> The 33 Best Equipment Go to Round 4
- Sunday: 19h-22h Round 4
- Rating 1:30 from July to August 1
- Classification 2:13 to August 15
- Rating 3: August 20-22
- Semifinal: August 28
* Round back: August 29
* Final: 4 to 5 September
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